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Squishable Armadillo
    About the Designer
    Sara R. I've always wanted to work with animals as a vet but found it so much more fun to draw them out! I'm currently going to an art college where I started out as a graphic designer and then switched to an animation major because I love to do character designing! :D
    Prototype process is in progress
    ...Waiting on prototype
    Squishable Armadillo, second prototype
    7/31/13 - Second Prototype

    Still not coming out quite as cute as the drawing! We may have to put a hold on this one.

    We're still not sure about this one, so it's going on the bench for now!

    Squishable Armadillo, first prototype
    3/19/13 - First Prototype

    This is looking super cute, but the nose isn't quite, well, on the nose!

    Prototype process has begun
    Prototype start: 11/3/2012
    Last Updated
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    About the Designer
    Sara R. I've always wanted to work with animals as a vet but found it so much more fun to draw them out! I'm currently going to an art college where I started out as a graphic designer and then switched to an animation major because I love to do character designing! :D
    More about this design!
    Illustrated panda holding up a numbered poster. Illustration.
    Squishers are waiting
    for this design
    tell me when it's ready
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