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Squishable Snow Leopard
    About the Designer
    Rachel B. I'm an independent artist that specializes in all things cute! I love creating colorful, whimsical designs. I've been a fan of Squishable for a long time, and I'd love to see some of my drawings come to life as adorable plush! Check out more of my work at @heysoleilart on Instagram and Redbubble :)
    Prototype process is in progress
    ...Waiting on prototype
    Squishable Snow Leopard, second prototype
    10/04/18 - Second Prototype

    Hm.. This little guy is a tough one. The factory is having some trouble finding the right fur :( .

    The Snow Leopard is on the bench for now because we couldn't get the construction to work quite right!

    Squishable Snow Leopard, first prototype
    04/23/18 - First Prototype

    Not quite what we want yet, but another prototype should hopefully get this to what we want!

    Prototype process has begun
    Prototype start: 1/17/2018
    Last Updated
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    About the Designer
    Rachel B. I'm an independent artist that specializes in all things cute! I love creating colorful, whimsical designs. I've been a fan of Squishable for a long time, and I'd love to see some of my drawings come to life as adorable plush! Check out more of my work at @heysoleilart on Instagram and Redbubble :)
    More about this design!
    Illustrated panda holding up a numbered poster. Illustration.
    Squishers are waiting
    for this design
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