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Squishable Manta Ray
    About the Designer
    Jessica P. My name is Jessica, and I'm a current animation student at SCAD. As a professional scatterbrain and lover of creativity, I try to get involved with as many modes of design as possible.
    Prototype process is in progress
    ...Waiting on prototype
    Squishable Manta Ray, second prototype
    4/20/18 - Second Prototype

    Ah! This guy's shape is proving to be impossible to get perfect.

    It's turning out to be really tricky to get this one 100%, so it's going on the bench for now!

    Squishable Manta Ray, first prototype
    12/20/2017 - First Prototype

    This is definitely a good start, but we're not 100% happy with this design just yet. Let's see what little tweaks we can come up with for a second attempt.

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    About the Designer
    Jessica P. My name is Jessica, and I'm a current animation student at SCAD. As a professional scatterbrain and lover of creativity, I try to get involved with as many modes of design as possible.
    More about this design!
    Illustrated panda holding up a numbered poster. Illustration.
    Squishers are waiting
    for this design
    tell me when it's ready
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