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Squishable Spirit Wolf
    About the Designer
    Maybel K. Hi, I've been drawing since I can remember. But I've only started recently drawing seriously the last 8 or so years. I mostly do digital art, but sometimes I also venture into the realm of traditional art, lol. I love animals, and plushies, so naturally I jumped at the opportunity of designing a Squishable.
    Prototype process is in progress
    ...Waiting on prototype
    Squishable Spirit Wolf, first prototype
    11/7/2014 - First Prototype

    So cute!!! The nose might have to be a different color though, hmm!

    The Spirit Wolf is on the bench for now because we couldn't get the construction to work quite right!

    Prototype process has begun
    Prototype start: 6/4/2014
    Last Updated
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    About the Designer
    Maybel K. Hi, I've been drawing since I can remember. But I've only started recently drawing seriously the last 8 or so years. I mostly do digital art, but sometimes I also venture into the realm of traditional art, lol. I love animals, and plushies, so naturally I jumped at the opportunity of designing a Squishable.
    More about this design!
    Illustrated panda holding up a numbered poster. Illustration.
    Squishers are waiting
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