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Snacker Fuzzy Bumblebee
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    • Snacker Fuzzy Bumblebee
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    Snackers Logo
    So, I was thinking. Your outfit. The stripes are great, and I'm digging the yellow/black motif you've got going on. But how about trying something a little more edgy? Like, this nifty full-body beige number, with long sleeves, long pants, heavy-duty work gloves, and a big helmet-hat with a protective veil? You can accessorize with this beehive-smoker and a honey press. It looks snazzy, right?
    Fancy a snack? Snackers are bite-sized Squishables! They're smaller than a Mini but bigger than a Micro (that's 5-6")! They've got a base of beans on the inside, and our special soft fur on the outside! Stack 'em! Display 'em! Throw 'em at someone! [Editors note: don't throw them at someone.]
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    About this design
    6(w) x 5.5(d) x 4.5(h) inches. Polyester fiber, polyethylene pellets, ages 0 and up!
    About the Designer
    Ann F. I am an English staff member at a unique, hard-to-describe youth theater in Japan! I graduated from The Ohio State University but I never stopped being a kid at heart. I love cute stuff so I'm truly living in my best timeline right now. I'm always on the lookout for insect, mushroom, and chicken merch.
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    Reviews! Woo hoo!
    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
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    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
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    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Cutest thing imaginable
    Jade H.
    Hammond , IN
    I bought this for my grandma and honestly I was super sad I didn't get two. The shipping was quick and the packaging is good enough to keep it protected. It's INCREDIBLY soft , I thought I'd be disappointed by the size but it's very cute. gma loves it and said she'll keep it on her bed , I'll be buying another design soon.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 baby bee
    Jordan H.
    Jacksonville , FL
    Going into the Squishable store, I knew I wanted him. My reaction in the store was like, "Aww! A baby bee!" He's even more smol than I imagined, which is perfect for him because he's a baby. He may be officially called Fuzzy Bumblebee, but I can't stop calling him baby bee, and I won't stop. He's so smol and cute! I also like how his stinger is made of a harder material and is pointy. It doesn't hurt tho.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 A lil cutie
    Emily H.
    Kissimmee , FL
    I saw this at the Savannah Bee Company and was like “Oh cute bee plushes” and looked closer and grabbed my mom as I said “Squishable!!!!!!” Of course immediately letting go of my poor mother and grabbing it proceeded to purchase it. I saw this online awhile before this but as I rarely check the site (my wallet is grateful), I never really went for this fella when I saw the picture so seeing this guy out in the wild? Happy to have ended up finding him and adopting him. Soft as all squishable plushes and of course well-made!
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Can they possibly make them any cuter?
    Leigh R.
    Austin , TX
    We have adopted every size Fuzzy Bumblebee from micro to colossal, and they're all adorable and loved, but Snacker Fuzzy Bumblebee is stuffie perfection! He's perfect for snuggle and travel, has the classic Fuzzy Bumblebee incredible cuteness, and since his fur is less fuzzy he's a bit easier to keep clean. We would absolutely love to see a Queen Bee version in Snacker bee someday.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Hold gentl like hamburger
    Lars P.

    He is so cute hes so smol I love his little 5-head (though i guess its not so smol hehehe) I named him Mr. Beesburger as hes slightly larger than a large hamburger (and also because you must hold him gentle like hamburger). He is a "snacker" after all hehe! He is not very good at flying but that is ok! most stuffed animals are not hehe :) Also he has beans in his tummy! I don't know if other squishables also have this and I just never realized it but I like the beans :)
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