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Mini Squishable Lunar Dragon
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    • Mini Squishable Lunar Dragon
    • $32
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    Ah yes, the Mini Lunar Dragon. A Lunar Dragon that is Mini. I was not expecting her to look like 2015 tumblr-era galaxy leggings but everyone has their aesthetic, and we should embrace that! So here she is folx, your perfectly, recently retro, Mini Lunar Dragon!
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    About this design
    7(w) x 7(d) x 14(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
    About the Designer
    Cora H. I've always been a very small artist, and wanted to share things for people to love as much as I do. I've always have done digital art and created more characters than I have backgrounds. I figured, since I wanted to build my confidence up and try new things, to make my characters come to life, I love each of my characters, and I love making the art for it, so much so that I've always had a hard time parting with any of my characters to anyone,
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