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Mini Squishable Forest Demon
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    • Mini Squishable Forest Demon
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    Are you hungry, little Forest Demon? How about this nice banana muffin? Oh jeez, no, stop trying to eat your own foot! We can fight our culinary cravings without chomping on extremities. No no, that goes for MY foot as well. How's some bolognese? I make a very nice red sauce. Maybe a salad? You're right, I'd eat my foot too if someone asked me to eat a salad.
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    About this design
    7.5(w) x 9.5(d) x 7(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
    About the Designer
    Kenya M. German Artist
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    Reviews! Woo hoo!
    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
    27 REVIEWS
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    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
    27 REVIEWS
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    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Cuddle Demon
    Rebecca S.

    I found my little forest demon hiding at a local card/gaming shop and couldn't resist bringing him home. He became my first squishable and since then, many of his squishy demon pals have come to live with me as well.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 The lad!!!
    .Bryan Olalde
    Doraville , GA
    I have such a fascination for Wendigos, real or not; so the moment I saw this cute little guy at my local mall I just KNEW I had to get the boi. He's OH SO CUTE and will forever sit next to me when I sleep ^^
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Adorable!
    Scalloway , Scotland
    The suggestion of bolognese in the description matches the name I chose for this wee cutey perfectly! I've named them, Ravioli. They mostly sit in the window and stare at the school across the road. I'm hoping they're being playful. As for product details, super cute, super cuddly, easy to feed. Watch your fingers!
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Lil good luck charm
    Gianna F.
    Fairchance , PA
    Very soft and cute, I take him to all my swim meets. He's my good luck charm
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 The skrunkliest!
    , NM
    This was my first squish and he is my skrunkly lil boi. He sits on my bed looking way too adorable and I love him! Very friend shaped and good little man <3
    forest demon
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