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Mini Squishable Dachshund Hot Dog
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    • Mini Squishable Dachshund Hot Dog
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    Influencers! Sometimes they're fashionistas! Sometimes they're dogs! Sometimes they're food...and also a dog! The Mini Hot Dog Dachshund has a huge following of food fans, dog fans, and people who like condiments. His hobbies include making TikTok videos and barking. About mustard.
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    About this design
    7 squishy inches of perfect oddball! All new polyester fiber, ages 3 and up!
    About the Designer
    Rachel S. is a part of Squishable's Art Team! When she's not making Squishables, she's probably playing Animal Crossing.
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    Reviews! Woo hoo!
    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
    15 REVIEWS
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    AVERAGE REVIEW   5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5
    15 REVIEWS
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    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Our favorite
    Boston , MA
    We own a lot of plushies but this little guy is in a league of his own. I don't think I've ever seen a face cuter than this hotdog dog. We love him and we treat him like our pet 10/10
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 So cute!
    Burbank , CA
    I love this little buddy. I take him with me when I travel and he sits on my bed at home always.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Soo cute!
    Lisa S.
    , IL
    The mini was our first dachshund hot dog. Be warned as you may quickly find you want every single one of them because he is so adorable! You will seriously want to take him everywhere. I do. He was my pandemic comfort dog right from the start. There's a lot of cute in this smol package.
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 Hot doge best doge. <3
    Megan H.
    Wyomissing , PA
    What can I say about this little guy besides he is literal hot doggity perfection. So soft, and the details are extremely well done like his silly tongue and paw beans! Absolutely adorable squish, 10/10 do recommend!!
    5 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 55 out of 5 We named him Frankfurter
    North Brunswick , NJ
    My boyfriend and I named him Frankfurter. He's the envoy of happiness and peace. I use him to appease my boyfriend from tickling me when I boop his nose and it works like a champ!
    weiner dog
    hot dog
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