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Squishable Face Mask Assortment - Kids
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    • Squishable Face Mask Assortment - Kids
    • $17.99
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    Need more excitement? Unable to do exciting things in public without a face mask because that's just the world we're in right now? Then may I present your ticket to thrills! Three tickets, in fact! This Face Mask 3-Pack is here to cover up all the head bits that need to be covered so that you can do that exciting public! Display off your mood, match your outfit or just show off that you own more than one mask. Exciting!
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    About this design
    3 masks, 6.7(w) x 4.7(h) inches each mask. Cotton and spandex, ages 12 and under. Not for medical use.
    About the Designer
    Zoe F. Zoe F. is Chief Squisher at Squishable! She likes puppies, walks on the beach, sociology theory, and also more puppies.
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