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Snacker Baby Corgi
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    • Snacker Baby Corgi
    • $14.99
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    Snackers Logo
    All corgi's are Baby, but are all baby corgi's DOUBLE Baby? If you multiply Baby by Baby, do you get fish? I figured you'd be tired of the word B*by by now. That being said, the BB Corg is a fun little lad who can fit anywhere from your backpack to your dashboard! From your desk at work, to that bodega down the street where they have weirdly good potato salad!
    Fancy a snack? Snackers are bite-sized Squishables! They're smaller than a Mini but bigger than a Micro (that's 5-6")! They've got a base of beans on the inside, and our special soft fur on the outside! Stack 'em! Display 'em! Throw 'em at someone! [Editors note: don't throw them at someone.]
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    About this design
    7(w) x 5(d) x 4(h) inches. Polyester fiber, ages 0 and up!
    About the Designer
    Sam C. is Squishable's Art Lead! She loves cute animals, cooking, and binge-watching bad reality television.
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