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Squishable Strawberries and Cream Dall Sheep by Gillian B

Squishable Strawberries and Cream Dall Sheep

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Squishable Strawberries and Cream Dall Sheep

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Artist's Description:

I really love dall sheep, I love how fluffy and their big curled horns. I just really want a ram plush haha its hard to find cute ones and I love strawberries and cream sweets. Who doesn't love a pink fluffy ram?

About the Designer:

Gillian B

I've been drawing since I could hold a pencil but I really started dedicating myself to it since I was about 11 and have never stopped. Never want to stop drawing, it brings me so much joy and it makes me happy to know if my art can make others happy too. I love cute stuff and stuffed animals but I don't know how to sew nearly as well as I know how to draw so I think Open Squish is a great opportunity. Otherwise I love drawing bright and colorful art because that's what makes me happiest.

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