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Review a Squishable Siamese Cat

Tell us what you think! Before you do, make sure:

  1. You have actually seen this Squishy in person! I know it sounds silly, but sometimes reviewers just want to share how much they want the design. Please wait until you've received one so that your review will be based on the Squishy, not just the picture.
  2. Is there an issue with the your shipment or product? Let us fix it for you! These reviews are anonymous (to keep it fair, email addresses are used for verification, but not associated with your account) so if you are writing about a specific problem, we have no way of getting hold of you to help! Before posting a review, try contacting us! Often we can find a solution ASAP :)
  3. By submitting a review, you're acknowledging that you're 13 or more years of age. Indeed!

On a scale of 1 to 5 stars, with 5 stars being the best:

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