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Squishable Plant Spirit Wolf
    About the Designer
    Claudya S. Hi, I'm a character designer, illustrator and comic artist from Germany, who mostly loves to paint fantasy creatures such as dragons and anthropomorphic animals. I often also paint nature landscapes where my creatures are supposed to live in. My artist name is AlectorFencer. Maybe you've seen my pictures before. Thanks for looking!
    Prototype process is in progress
    ...Waiting on prototype
    Squishable Plant Spirit Wolf, second prototype
    4/13/15 - Second Prototype

    Hmm, having some trouble getting it to look as good as the original design.

    It's turning out to be really tricky to get this one right, so it's going on the bench for now!

    Squishable Plant Spirit Wolf, first prototype
    2/18/15 - First Prototype

    This one looks like it needs some work, but it's not a half bad start!

    Prototype process has begun
    Prototype start: 11/26/2014
    Last Updated
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    About the Designer
    Claudya S. Hi, I'm a character designer, illustrator and comic artist from Germany, who mostly loves to paint fantasy creatures such as dragons and anthropomorphic animals. I often also paint nature landscapes where my creatures are supposed to live in. My artist name is AlectorFencer. Maybe you've seen my pictures before. Thanks for looking!
    More about this design!
    Illustrated panda holding up a numbered poster. Illustration.
    Squishers are waiting
    for this design
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