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Project Open Squish

Squishable Fennec Fox by Taylor S.

Squishable Fennec Fox

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Squishable Fennec Fox

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Artist's Description:

My design is based of the adorable little desert canine known as the Fennec Fox! I've noticed that a lot of people seem to like it on the voting list and it has not been planned to be made yet, so I thought it would be awesome to create a design for the cute little guy. At first, I was going to make the Fennec Fox a tan/ light brown color, but then I realized that most current Squishables are already brown. After ages of browsing through pictures of Fennecs online, I found a few foxes that had light goldish fur, so I went with a tan/gold/light brown color scheme for my final design.

About the Designer:

Taylor S.

Hi, I'm Taylor! I'm a freelance artist and a pet store associate who has been obsessed with making art and animals since I was young.

Learn more about this designer >

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